A career related website
There is a plenty of websites that i use to make homework, but the majority of those aren't specialised on Math and Physics, with this in mind i wold say that i use often Wikipedia which is really good in this aspect more scientific. But i also use every time i need to graph some function and solve a geometrical problem i use GeoGebra. I'ts a good page where you can draw functions, points, lines, an make them change between particular limits, also you can operate vectors, even has a 3D version where things gets more complicated, but much more capable of represent things. I don't use oftenly the 3D versión, but it's very useful. I visit this page only when i need to, so it could be like 2 or 3 times a month, and i like the site because i'm really bad at drawing, so i can't make the graphics by hand, and also is easier to screenshot the image form GeoGebra and put it into my homework https://www.geogebra.org/classic?lang=es